Holistic Wellness: Light, Love and Power Connection

Light Aspects
Love Aspects
Power Aspects

Beyond our day-to-day existence in the dense physical body, we are all beings of infinite Light, Love and Power. Holistic wellness is connected with these Light, Love and Power aspects of our being. But as life happens, we often forget our true potential, our real purpose of existence.

We get surrounded by a veil of distractions and delusions. This disharmony begins in our energy body, before manifesting in the physical body as various chronic diseases and emotional ailments. We lose our connection with our higher sense of self and the Universal Energy.

Lack of harmony in “Light-Love-Power” aspects of our life causes “Dis-ease”. When these aspects are balanced in our life, we get healed physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This is holistic and permanent.

Balance in aspects of Light, Love and Power leads to Holistic Wellness

In this article we will discuss how we can “Be” these. We will also dwell upon integrating these aspects for Holistic Wellness.

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.

-Thomas Merton

Being Light

Being Light
Let Light Descend

Darkness is the absence of light. It does not have any identity on its own. Even a small flame is enough to remove the darkness in a huge room.

Where there is darkness, let me sow light.

-Saint Francis of Assisi

Darkness is the ignorance of ones true nature, that we are all beings of infinite light. We have tremendous potential to light our lives and the lives of all those around us. But how much of our light shines forth depends on the strength of our connection with the Universal Source.

When the connection is not well-nurtured, our light becomes dim. We are not able to think clearly, we feel confused, take decisions in haste, tend to forget and feel lost.


It is your light that lights the world.


How can we increase the light? How can we let more light descend? The age-old techniques of mindfulness and meditation help in enhancing our divine light aspect, provided our vessel is clean.

To fill our beings with light and awareness so as to remove the darkness, we have to first identify the dark areas without judgement. We can use various well-established techniques to help in identifying the thought patterns and emotions causing the darkness. Then we have to systematically replace that with wholesome thoughts so that the Universal Light, Love and Healing Energy can flow through us without obstruction.

Being Love

Being Love
Let Love Stream Forth

Love is at the core of our being. Our heart is the seat of all higher emotions: peace, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, harmony, acceptance, patience, tolerance, oneness, joy, happiness, trust and gratitude to name just a few. This is what love is all about. And all these emotions are the key ingredients of any emotionally balanced life and the foundation of any happy, healthy relationship.

There is no energy more powerful than Love.

-Sanaya Roman

Love has tremendous healing power. The centre of our being, our heart center, is where all healing starts from. As our heart takes charge of our lower emotions, and regulates them, we start living a beautiful, contended, harmonious life. It is the “divine love” aspect that heals us.

Painted Roses

Our point of view creates our reality.

-Dr Dain Her

“Loving kindness” is the first and most important virtue as taught by Master Chow Kok Sui. And the first one to whom we need to practice loving-kindness is with ourself. Right proportions of self-love and feeling cared for enhances our immune system, makes us feel emotionally secure and recover faster from any illness.

Using energy-based techniques, it is possible to identify and disintegrate those areas where we are limiting ourself with self-doubt, self-criticising, self-sabotaging, allowing others to gaslight us, using us as doormats, abusing us, etc. Once we release all this, and replace them with wholesome thoughts, and healthy self-image, our inner-world changes, and subsequently the outer world.

Being Power

Being Power
Let Purpose Guide the Will of Every Person, Every Being

 Will Power is a universal force that governs the cycles of Creation, Destruction and Transformation

Power is about will power, physical strength and inner drive, self-control, determination, goal-orientation, resolve to complete and persistence. It is also about protection from negative energies.

Power is the “will” aspect of our being. Our will power is a very strong force. It keeps us alive and moving forwards. It is needed to maintain a strong and healthy body. It helps us in achieving our material goals and persistently searching for the larger purpose of our life. The Power aspect also helps us in living in alignment with the “Universal Energies”.

Creative Destruction

(Closing a Cycle)

There is another very important role of the power aspect of our being. To create something new, an old cycle has to be closed, the old has to be destroyed and that needs a whole lot of will power.

For example, a relationship may have ended for the benefit of all, but both the sides are still energetically connected, blaming each other for what has happened. The mind keeps playing the same tapes again and again. Severing these energy links is needed to close the chapter and calmly move on.

Stop being who you were, and change into who you are.

-Paulo Coelho

“Creative Destruction” is about the “will energy” needed to let go of the old – it may be old, stagnating relationships, unwanted habits or addictions, a situation where you have to change your job or move to a new home or country. We are often stuck in our comfort zones, even if it is not serving any purpose, and that inhibits our ability to accept the transition and transform into new reality. To get out of those comfort zones and move ahead with life, we need to sever the old connections. This often needs a lot of inner-strength.

Energetically, it involves the process of letting-go, forgiving and cutting-cords from all that we are leaving behind. Next we have to purify and energise our new situation and surroundings to start afresh. And gradually nurture our roots in a new soil. There are very powerful energy based techniques that can help you in disconnecting from the old and creating something new and beautiful.

Integrating Light, Love and Power

It’s more important to understand the imbalances in your body’s basic systems and restore balance, rather than name the disease and
match the pill to the ill.

-Mark Hyman

True healing happens when there is harmony amongst all our energy bodies and energy centres, as they get balanced and normalised and all blockages in our energy channels get cleared. It manifests as life energy flowing smoothly and easily through all our meridians. As different aspects of life get in perfect balance and our intentions get aligned with the purpose for which we came to this world, all obstacles in the manifested life get removed. We start regulating our emotions rather than suppressing them. The right proportions of Light, Love and Power will create the quality of energy needed to achieve this.

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