Holistic Healing for Physical Ailments
Our body is one of the most precious gifts that we have been given in this life-time. And taking good care of it is our prime responsibility. A healthy body enables us not only to take care of our loved ones but also to fulfil the purpose of our live.
We take care of our physical well-being by focusing on a healthy life-style involving proper diet, exercise and adequate sleep. We make sure we do not consume anything which might be toxic to our body. But sometimes just being cautious in what we take in doesn’t seem to be enough. We still get sick and then wonder if there is any more to health and wellness. Of course, there is.
“Dis-ease” can be a warning that we are living far away from our true self, our reality, suppressing feeling (like anger and guilt) or carrying too much “weight” (which may not even be belonging to us), among others. It is a wake-up call to get back on track. Spiritually, sickness is a portal of tremendous soul evolution. Any healing truly happens within oneself, it is always “self-healing”. All healing modalities, as promising as they may be, provide you with the tools and support in your journey back to wellness.
Disease can cause a fire to burn within the very heart of your being such that your life can be dedicated to the pursuit of what you were placed here to do.
-Stevan J Thayer and Linda Sue Nathanson
As partners in your wellness journey, we also provide potent tools and support so as to reverse the energetic patterns and symptoms of the disease. We offer healing sessions for the whole gamut of physical ailments. Since the causes of most chronic and psychosomatic ailments are emotional in origin, we provide holistic, multi-dimensional healing, taking care of all aspects of your being.
Conditions that can be treated by Energy-based Techniques
(This list is not exhaustive. Most ailments from common cold to cancer can be treated using these techniques)
Growths and Deposits
Cancer, Tumours, Cysts, Corns in foot, …
Respiratory Ailments
Covid, Lung Infections, Asthma, Tuberculosis, Emphysema, …
Endocrine Ailments
Diabetes (Type 1 & 2), Hyper/Hypo-Thyroid, …
Digestive Ailments
Food-poisoning, Ulcers, Gall Stones, Haemorrhoids, Hernia, Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, …
Urinary Ailments
Kidney stones & infection, UTI, Incontinence, …
Reproductive Ailments
Irregular Mensuration, Prolapsed Uterus, Enlarged Prostate, etc.
Heart and Circulatory Ailments
Hyper/Hypo-tension, CAD, Stroke, Defective valve, Rheumatic Heart, ….
Muscular and Spinal Ailments
Broken bones, Backache, Sports Injuries, Spondylosis, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Arthritis, …
Brain and Nervous System Disorders
Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia, …
Skin Disorders
Psoriasis, Chronic Pimples and Boils, Eczema, Acne, Allergy, …
Eye, Ear & Throat Disorders
Infections, Glaucoma, Cataract, Vertigo, Mumps, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, …
Childhood Disorders
Autism, ADHD, OCD, Behaviour issues, Learning disorders, Hyper-activity, …
Common Ailments
Fever, Cough, Flu, Toothache, Headache, Burns, Wounds, …