Book Study

Consciousness Expands Knowledge and Knowledge expands Consciousness

-Sandra Anne Taylor

As our consciousness gets elevated, we get healed. And in the process our soul gets evolved.

Book Study

What can be a better way to get elevated than studying a spiritually enlightening book. But I can read that myself? Why study in a group? There is a difference between reading and studying. When we ”study” with a group of like minded souls, we get new insights, profound understanding and are able to share on experiences each other. We get inspired to change our “stuck-up” thought patterns which accelerates our spiritual development.

We offer book reading sessions which you can join and be part of a caring, vibrant community oriented towards self-development as well as group-development.

On-going Book Reading Sessions

“At Zero”, Joe Vitale

Meeting times: Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM (UTC)

“Violet Flame – To Heal Body, Mind & Soul”, Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Meeting times: Every Tuesday at 4:00 PM (UTC)

You get it, when you get it! It’s never too late to join our study group. If the Masters of this book are calling you and it is a part of your divine plan, please let us know. We would be happy to have you in our study group.

Past Book Study Sessions

1. “Interview with an Angel”, Stevan J. Thayer and Linda Sue Nathanson

2. “At the feet of the Master and towards Discipleship” by J. Krishnamurti.

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